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Nu er der nyt fra Danmarks store rummission ASIM, som blev sendt i rummet i fjor, hvor DTU Space er videnskabelig leder. Forskerne kan nu forklare mere om de voldsomme fænomener, der opstår i forbindelse med tordenvejr over skyerne. Den nye viden er netop publiceret i det videnskabelige tidsskrift Science.
SAN FRANCISCO—A slew of new discoveries about the mysterious gamma ray flashes that come from Earth’s thunderclouds are being unveiled in presentations at AGU’s 2019 Fall Meeting and in three new studies being published today.
Data on lightning phenomena in Space near Earth captured by the Danish Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM), on board the International Space Station (ISS), have now been made available to researchers across the globe.
Lightning scientist Torsten Neubert receives the Hans Christian Ørsted Research Award for his contribution to an understanding of how giant lightning bolts are created in space.
Nature article: Mysterious electrical flashes above storm clouds have long puzzled scientists. “This is a game changer,” says Nikolai Østgaard, a space physicist at the University of Bergen in Norway. He described the findings in a pair of talks at the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics meeting in Montreal, Canada, on 9 and 12 July. Picture: NASA/JSC
The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) was launched last April in an effort to study severe thunderstorms. Just a year later, the observation facility is already providing scientists with a better understanding of the role that thunderstorms play in the Earth’s atmosphere and climate and how lightning is created. Picture:
After only one year in space, the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) on the International Space Station has given researchers a new understanding of how lightning is created, and how thunderstorms can affect the atmosphere and the climate. Picture: ESA/NASA
Measurements from the large ASIM space project shows a firework of blue lightning and X-ray radiation above thunderclouds. After one year in space, the ASIM (Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor) observatory on the International Space Station (ISS) has given researchers from Denmark’s Technical University (DTU) a new and better understanding of how lightning is created, and how thunderstorms can affect the stratosphere and the climate. Picture: ESA
The International Space Station orbits Earth, 400 km above our heads, running scientific experiments that cannot be done anywhere else. Read on for our bi-weekly update on European science in space. Picture: ESA