Image of The Day

Good Night, Moon
An illuminated waning gibbous moon contrasts the deep black of space as the International Space Station soared 270 miles over the Southern Ocean.

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Good Night, Moon
Astronaut Andreas Mogensen: “We practice faults and problems”
Astronaut Andreas Mogensen: “We practice faults and problems”

The countdown to the launch of Denmark's next large European space project ASIM has begun. Astronaut Andreas Mogensen is part of the ground team when ASIM is send to the International Space Station, ISS, from Cape Canaveral to survey thunderstorms. Picture: ESA


Danish-led space project ready for launch at Cape Canaveral
Danish-led space project ready for launch at Cape Canaveral

The last preparations are well-underway at Cape Canaveral in Florida leading up to the launch of the space project ASIM to survey thunderstorms from the International Space Station, ISS. Picture: Space-X


Denmark’s next space project ready in March 2018
Denmark’s next space project ready in March 2018

The ASIM climate observatory will observe and photograph powerful electrical discharges from thunderclouds from space. Denmark’s next major European space project—The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) observatory—is on its way to the USA in preparation for its launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the International Space Station (ISS). The launch is scheduled for 13 March 2018. Picture: Hasse Ferrold/Terma


Danish astronaut delivers superb results to DTU Space
Danish astronaut delivers superb results to DTU Space

Denmark can finally call itself a full member of the international space-faring community with the successful completion of Andreas Mogensen's mission to the Internation Space Station (ISS) in September. Since his return researchers at DTU Space have been busy processing the pictures he took of storm clouds and lightning as part of the Thor project. The results are beautiful to behold and far exceed the research team's expectations. Picture:ESA/Andreas Mogensen/DTU Space


Catapulted into the eye of a media storm
Catapulted into the eye of a media storm

Torsten Neubert, Senior Executive Officer at DTU Space, landed with a splash in the media spotlight on 2 September, when Andreas Mogensen—the first Danish astronaut—travelled into space to carry out missions including photographing giant lightning bolts and thunderclouds for DTU Space. Here is what he has to say about the hectic days before, during and after the mission. Picture: DTU/Annette Refn


Danish Astronaut Strikes Gold for DTU Space
Danish Astronaut Strikes Gold for DTU Space

September 2015 will be remembered as the month when Denmark completed its apprenticeship as a Space-faring nation. Danish ESA astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, was launched on a 10-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS), and not only did the mission proceed with textbook precision, the patient astronaut collected valuable lightning data for DTU Space.


Andreas Mogensen captures first pictures of thunderclouds and lightning
Andreas Mogensen captures first pictures of thunderclouds and lightning

Andreas Mogensen, Denmark’s first astronaut, has successfully photographed thunderclouds during his IRISS mission on the International Space Station. The images are likely to provide researchers with deep insight into thunderclouds and giant lightning bolts. Picture: ESA.


Andreas Mogensen to film lightning and thunderstorms from space
Andreas Mogensen to film lightning and thunderstorms from space

During his 10-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS), the Danish ESA-astronaut, Andreas Mogensen will film lightning and thunderstorms from the ISS. He will carry out Project Thor as a pilot experiment for the coming ASIM mission aboard the ISS. See the full story in on the Danish National Space Institute website


New knowledge about thunderstorm effects on the climate
New knowledge about thunderstorm effects on the climate

For the first time researchers are able to describe thundercloud activity in the stratosphere. The research is based on videos captured by ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen during his time at the International Space Station. The study has just been published in Geophysical Research Letters. Picture: NASA